Master of None Season 2 Review

2 STARSOn Friday, May 12, the Netflix series, “Master of None” starring Aziz Ansari, was released. While this fairly new series received great reviews for its first season, its second is the exact opposite. The humor is there, but without any strict plot, it’s easy for a viewer to be left confused.The first few episodes feature Dev (Aziz Ansari) as a pasta-making apprentice in a small town in Italy. The ten-episode series starts out black and white, but when Dev goes back to his home-town, New York, the show is revealed in color once again. Nearing the end of his stay in Italy, Dev, meets and goes out with a woman whom he feels he really connected with. After exchanging phone numbers, Dev gets his phone stolen and the woman is never to be found the rest of the season. Either Aziz Ansari changed his mind halfway through the script, or it is getting foreshadowed in a later season. Hopefully it’s the first reason, because it’s unlikely that anyone will have the patience to sit through season III.“Master of None” is going on a strenuous downhill path, but Ansari’s humor is never lost. Every episode has some sort of comedic twist, whether it’s Dev making a derogatory comment, or his massive friend Arnold (Eric Wareheim) using dating websites for short-term affairs. The comedy in this season saved it from getting taken off Netflix, and put onto a DVR tape so no one would be able to watch it.Creators of the show, Aziz Ansari and Alan Yang, decided to get creative for a couple of episodes by having one of them document a deaf woman’s life (half of the episode was silent) and another a flashback of Denise (Lena Waithe) slowly building up the courage to tell her mother she is a lesbian. These slow episodes have almost no affiliation to the main plot, which leaves one question: why were they smack in the middle of the season and not labeled as extra episodes at the end?The Netflix series, “Master of None,” while always forcing laughs here and there, includes dramatic plot twists and bits of romance throughout. Season II has all the confusion imaginable, whether it’s Dev meeting a woman in the beginning and never seeing her again, or a season-ending episode “up for interpretation.” If anyone is hoping to find an excuse to cancel their Netflix membership, this series is it.


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Thank you Samo