Kids with Iphones need a wakeup call
OPINION Athena Barefoot, Staff Writer OPINION Athena Barefoot, Staff Writer

Kids with Iphones need a wakeup call

A child getting their first phone has become a modern-day rite of passage, sparking debates at the dinner table, stirring up opinions in the classroom and leaving parents wondering if they're handing over a lifeline or a pandora’s box of problems. While the convenience and safety offered by smartphones are undeniable, there are significant developmental concerns that come with giving children access to these devices at a young age. 

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Teens discuss: is Halloween overrated?
OPINION Ryan Colvin, Staff Writer OPINION Ryan Colvin, Staff Writer

Teens discuss: is Halloween overrated?

Childhood is one of the most exciting and carefree points in one's life. With the undeveloped mind being so full of mystery, the hours spent watching fantasy movies and getting lost in new worlds with your toys were absolutely magical. From a young age, my friends and family told me about the one day within the year where all of those fantasies and imaginary adventures would blossom into reality: Halloween.

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Are second-hand prices going first class?
OPINION Laurel Cohn OPINION Laurel Cohn

Are second-hand prices going first class?

From vintage shirts to denim skirts, the rise in popularity of thrift stores is undeniable. For many, thrifting has become a hobby, serving as a unique alternative to the mall. However, prior to this trend, the majority of thrift stores’ customers shopped not for the perfect baby tee, but out of necessity.

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Relationship radar: unpacking toxic trends
OPINION Addy Fiore, Staff Writer OPINION Addy Fiore, Staff Writer

Relationship radar: unpacking toxic trends

Love bombing. Ghosting. Gaslighting. These terms are often thrown around in online discourse to define a toxic relationship, which are oftentimes romanticized and glorified. Red flags are frequently overseen and ignored in relationships, as they are overshadowed by the deep interest someone has in the person they are dating. Diving in deeper to find the true meaning behind toxicity and red flags online is a crucial thing to do when the media has such a great influence on impressionable minds. Controlling behavior, dishonesty and violation of boundaries are all prime examples of red flags and while identifying this behavior is one thing, addressing them and finding solutions can be far more challenging.

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