Expanded campus prompts expanded passing periods

Afer debate and discussion, teachers and sta at Samo voted on Wednesday, Dec. 9 to extend passing periods from seven to nine minutes. Citing concerns about about a significant increase in tardies, brought about by the expanding campus and congestion near 7th and Michigan gate, many teachers believe new nine minute pass- ing periods will allow students to get to class on time while providing additional time to handle other business.
“ The idea behind the nine minutes is that the kids that are close by will have the opportunity to talk to their teachers about anything missing or anything like that and the kids that are far away, it gives them time to get here, go to the restroom before and not have the dis- ruption in class,” AP Spanish teacher and ballet counter for the vote Claudia Bautista-Nicholas said.
According to AP Government and US History teacher Amy Bisson, the nine minutes was chosen for a couple of reasons.“[Nine minutes] will help kids ‘catch their breath’ whether it’s socially or literally because getting from point ‘a’ to point ‘b’ for some students takes more time now that the campus has expanded,” Bisson said.
According to Gabriella Landay (’16), the expanded passing periods will allow her to get to class on time.“About 10 [of my classmates] and I are late every day to our second period because of the long trek across campus,” Landay said. “Having the extra time will definitely help a majority of students get to class on time.”
There was some debate concerning whether eight minute passing periods would be sufcient, however, nine was nally agreed upon. The new bell schedule will take e ect on Jan. 6, 2016.Although all teachers and sta members voted to adopt the new passing period, some concerns remain that it could have a counterintuitive effect.“Anything that is going to help kids get to class on time is a benefit,” I-House Advisor Jessica Garrido said. “ However, it’s hard because it could also mean more time to take your time like on Wednesdays, more students are late to their first classes because they have more time in the mornings to get ready,.”According to Science teacher Christina Staroschak, the benefits of the new period will outweigh the downsides.
“Having nine minute passing periods will be really helpful for the students and it’ll eliminate all the tardies we see on campus,” Staroschak said. “It also offers an opportunity for students to stay after and ask questions or arrive a little early to class or go to the restroom."Although there could be problems, it seems that the additional opportunities that will be provided will actually outweigh any type of con ict which might just be a little more time between classes.”Some teachers also believe the period will have bene ts beyond just timeliness.“If students have a question they have the time to ask before or a er class and I have the time to answer them and make sure they understand the material. I also think that it allows everyone to just have more time, to settle in and relax, so that the class period will be more pro- ductive,” Bisson said.

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