Our for Safe Schools

With the arrival of rainbow badges for teachers to the Samo campus, LGBTQ students can now find visible adult allies to help them feel more accepted at school.OUT for Safe Schools is a program that allows administrators, teachers and other staff members in the district to participate by wearing a rainbow badge which signifies that teacher as someone students with gender or sexual identity concerns to talk to. When staff volunteer to wear the badge, they are identifying themselves as a safe person to go to for support. The program was started by the Los Angeles LGBT Center and is currently being introduced to the district in schools K-12.Jane Myoungjin Kim (‘18), member of the GSA club, thinks it’s a positive message to be sending to students.“There’s a bunch of people who I think definitely need this type of help,” Kim said. “Even at an accepting campus like Samohi, it’s good to have more of a reassuring presence.”According to I-House Advisor Jessica Garrido, she has noticed that there is an increasing number of students coming to her with concerns about their gender or sexual identity and wishes to make the school as welcoming as possible.“Some students may not be out at home, but they can be out here,” Garrido said. “Some students question their gender identity or sexual identity. It’s a bigger conversation but there’s a lot of emotional support that’s needed around these topics. It’s knowing that they’re safe and that we’re here for them.”On Nov. 3, a presentation about the program was given to the Samo staff and subsequently, a large portion of the school’s staff has already signed up to be a part of the initiative.“So far, I’d say there’s over 100 people on campus who will be wearing the badges,” Garrido said. “Now we’re just collecting all of the teachers’ names who want them. We’re really committing to be there to try and provide a safer environment for students who are dealing with gender or sexual identity issues.”This doesn’t mean that staff who are not wearing the badges aren’t safe allies. According to Garrido, not every teacher may be comfortable having that type of conversation with a student, but they could still point them in the right direction.The program offers support for anyone and everyone who may be struggling. These allies are dedicated to being there for them. And with their rainbow badges, they are easier to find around the campus and more than willing to engage in these type of discussions.OUT for Safe Schools is trying to make the LGBTQ more community-based, in the hopes of making it known that every student is equally accepted.


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