Winter Formal ticket prices lower

In response to student outcry over the price of Winter Formal tickets, ASB has lowered the cost of tickets to $30. The dance will take place Saturday, Feb. 7 at 7:30 p.m. at the Marina Marriott Hotel.“We got a lot of feedback from people saying they’d attend if it was cheaper, so we did our best to adjust,” Matusovsky said. “Now, however, we need to sell more tickets.”According to ASB President Brian Matusovsky (’15), the dance is an opportunity for underclassmen to attend a formal dance aside from prom. Although tickets were initially $40, ASB never intended to make money from the event.
“We did not plan it to raise money, and likely won’t raise profits from it,” Matusovsky said. “Our goal in planning such student events is to promote school spirit and a sense of [Samo] family.”For the first time, Samo is welcoming student DJ Daniel Sabet (’15) to provide music at the dance.“We are excited to let Sabet perform a wide variety of music and keep the student body dancing through the night,” Senior Class Vice President Sean McHugh (’15) said.ASB member Ariel Silverman (’15) believes that this dance should attract a large turnout due to the fact that non-seniors will have the chance to attend a dance similar to the style of the senior prom.
“Non-seniors will be able the dress up and attend a real formal dance event in a newly renovated, special venue,” Silverman said. “We hope this dance will be a success that will kick off a new tradition here at Samo.”


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