America need the Don

Donald Trump is making a mockery of America’s political system right now. This is the man that said, You know, it really doesn’t matter what the media write[s] as long as you’ve got a young and beautiful piece of ass.” His main campaign promise is, "I will build a great wall — and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me.” But, yet, I’m not mad at him. Of course I’m not going to vote for the guy and I’m definitely moving to Canada if in some messed up way he wins the whole 2016 Presidential Election, but still we need Trump. America’s political system is very shaky right now and Trump is the perfect guy to expose this.Although words like “stupid” are popular to describe him, Trump is a very successful business man. My dad taught me that in order to succeed in business, you can’t care what people think of you; Donald Trump is the epitome of this. He could care less about what people think of him and that’s how he succeeds. The part of all of us that contemplates our actions and thinks, “Hey maybe we shouldn’t do this” is nowhere to be found in Trump. As a businessman, Trump is an expert in loopholes. Always has been, always will be. This is a guy who used the bank to help finance his companies, and used bankruptcy as a tool to succeed. Here he is again finding a gaping loophole: you don’t actually have to be a politician to hold the most powerful political job in the world. Donald Trump is sending a message that not only can anyone be president, some of America is backed by such naive citizens that the crazier the idea the better. Trump even shares some views with other candidates which is a problem in and of itself. For people to agree with someone who called illegal immigrants “rapists” isn’t great. In July, Trump stated that “The wall will go up and Mexico will start behaving,” referring to his plan to build a large wall along our border with Mexico. While this may seem ignorant and maybe even a little crazy, many Republican candidates share the same immigration views as Trump.Furthermore, Trump isn’t the only top candidate with no political experience. Both Carly Fiorina, a former tech company CEO, and Ben Carson, a neurosurgeon, are running alongside Trump for the Republican nomination. They aren’t just entered in the race--they are actually frontrunners. How is it possible that three people who have never held political office before are actually three of the top choices to run our country?Besides these three candidates, this has been a pretty crazy year in terms of presidential candidates. There was a somewhat legitimate candidate in a few states under the name “Deez Nuts”, a reference to the famous vine. While, yes, this is hilarious and shout out to Brady Olsen a.k.a Deez Nuts, this is unacceptable for a global superpower. Donald Trump isn’t much better. Trump is really treating political debates like a roasting session of possible future presidents, and just expressing his own delusional opinions without much basis. His insensitive comments against immigrants, women and candidates are being cheered on by thousands of Americans, not criticized for their offensiveness and lack of merit. If you really think about it, Donald Trump probably doesn’t even want to be president. He joined the race to expand his brand and really to just express his crazy beliefs. I don’t think he expected to be doing this well. The whole situation is a win win for him. If he loses, he will be on more people’s radars and his businesses will make more of a product. If he wins, then he’s president. Even though it’s likely not his end goal, it’s still a win. Trump is really just a guy who likes to spread his opinion but doesn’t expect anyone to listen. With this candidacy he has been given a platform and is actually doing us a favor by exposing all the people who follow him.                                                                  There needs to be tightened regulations for people who can run for president. I’m all for the principles that make our country great: democracy and freedom of expression. However, the Constitutional requirements of a 35-year-old, natural-born president are no longer enough. Many of the seniors at Samo will be able to vote during election time and some of them might even have the opportunity to vote for Trump. I know it’s funny and all that, but really think about it. Is this who you want running the country for four or even eight years? With the system that is in place, this is a serious possibility. We need to do something about this. People shouldn’t be eligible for presidency without any political experience. Going from zero experience to arguably the hardest political job in the world shouldn't be done. Although this may be one of the most ridiculous presidential elections in history, if it causes some actual change in who qualifies for these elections, we can thank the Donald for helping make America great again.


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