Inauguration in Class

As the inauguration happened on Jan. 20, the student body of Samo was clearly upset. If you checked the social media of the vast majority of Santa Monica teenagers, you would have seen constant posts of people thanking Obama and his family for their service, and posts of deep sadness and remorse at his replacement by president Donald Trump. As the inauguration happened during school, many teachers showed it, while some chose not too. This raised the question: should teachers show the inauguration during school?Students throughout Samo are not pleased with the man receiving the celebration, so trying to show it in class to students can be seen as helpful, but I think the best answer to this nuisance to America is to pretend like it's another day and that he’s just another corrupt and bad President, something the US has dealt with before. Let’s not make Trump feel any more special than he thinks he is. Yes, some could say one is naive if they don’t know what’s going on with Trump with politics, but I do agree knowing what’s going on is good. I just think that dwelling into every little thing Trump does is just creating stress and anxiety. If those around you know he’s a horrible man and talking about how horrible he is makes you upset. Why do it? Some students took the election to heart and really wanted to watch the Inauguration while some students saw teachers showing it in class as a way to get out of work for the day. As some students feel very passionately about the election and the inauguration happening, a large group doesn't care at all. “It was funny, cause everyone was super mad, and I didn’t care honestly,” Gabriel Colasanti (’20) said. I think not caring completely could be considered a poor decision when it comes to politics but this case it’s different the people not showing any interest have the right idea. The election results at this point are a pillar of controversy for the country only counting to upset the masses. It may be upsetting to not have the candidate you wanted to win but instead having someone in your opinion that is less qualified to represent your country. There is no such thing as bad publicity so anybody talking or spreading news of the inauguration is only helping the person you are trying to not support. What some aren’t seeing is  you only help the man you're against when you publicize everything he does including the inauguration. “I like staying up to speed with Trump and stuff like that but sometimes it bombardes my social media and it’s annoying” said Mikaela Wessel ’19. . People constantly try to expose Trump but are only spreading his negative views and actions.Someone can see something on his situation with gay rights or women's right or his view on different races and how his opinion on these things doesn’t please the average liberal. They can see that on Social Media or hear it on the news and they can make a post or tell a friend or they can chose to know and let it be, to understand and be informed is good but to spread the agenda of someone villainous is just helping spread the agenda your aginst.“Swearing in is an important event that only happens every four to eight years so I thought it would be relevant to show in a U.S history class,” history teacher  Colburn said. However, Colburn showed the inauguration with the mentality that his presidency is quadrennial. She didn’t show it because she thought the president has actual value. “I didn’t show it on the actual day cause I saw it as a topic we could talk about later. I’m also not a big fan of Trump,” history teacher Shannon Cox said. This inauguration was like an acceptance ceremony that no one was willing to accept. There is more meaning to this than average American is seeing. Unfortunately, this is where we have to face the facts: This man, that most people dislike, is our president. We as Americans have a standard to uphold, and that is why not showing it in class is the best choice. This combats it and takes away from it, diminishing his achievement and position. We all know the thing Trump cares about most is ratings. Choosing to not show and watch the inauguration takes away his credit and puts you in a position of willing apathy, which is the only option in this time of crisis.Students throughout Samo are not pleased with the man receiving the celebration, so trying to show it in class to keep students can be seen as helpful, but I think the best answer to this nuisance to America is to pretend like it's another day and that he’s just another corrupt and bad President something, The U.S. has dealt with before. Let’s not make Trump feel any more special than he already does; he won the election, but the fight from here on out is on us.


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