The problem with Trump's "Locker room" Talk

With the presidential election coming up, most of the current controversies seems to surround Republican candidate Donald Trump. Trump’s sexism knows no bounds. He has said offensive thing after offensive thing with no remorse for almost anything. Trump’s most notable sexist incident of late is a 2005 “Access Hollywood” hot mic video released a few weeks ago that revealed a discussion between Trump and TV host Billy Bush that included very immoral, degrading, and sexually aggressive comments about women.The conversation centered around Trump telling Bush of what his fame and status allows him to get away with in regards to his actions towards women. He explained to Billy Bush how and what he did in a very vulgar way. In the second debate soon after the tape was discovered, Trump attributed the comments to “locker room talk.”As a longtime member of the Samo lacrosse team, and a person who has spent a lot of time in locker rooms, this is not a “locker room talk.” This is bragging about sexual assault. “Locker room talk” would be discussing the attractiveness of a girl that is mutually known among your patrons. It is not discussing grabbing women by their genitals because you're famous. Still with so many men and women condemning all these sexist Trump acts he still has made it to the final Republican Candidate. Donald Trump’s comments are out of line because he seems to think that women are inferior to him, and because of that, he can do whatever he wants to them. In the Samo lacrosse locker room and locker rooms everywhere have these everyday “locker room talks,” but we don't condone this behavior or participate in such behavior as we would hope others teams do too.“We just have some quality banter and make fun of each other, we just say random inside jokes and screw around,” said Asa Dwyer (’19) a junior varsity soccer player. “ I think it misrepresents sport locker rooms. Locker room talk is never that vulgar or degrading, he crossed a line.” said Dwyer when asked about how he felt on Trump’s comments towards his grab them by the p***y video. It is apparent that Trumps comments have offended and misrepresent athletes everywhere. Trump’s claims has made every athlete look like a predator, and is it not going unprecedented as shown by Dwyer. Samohi athletes and their talks with their team in their actual locker room does not reflect what it means to just talk in confidence with your peers. That being with your friends does not allow for approval of sexual harassment, Trump obviously thinks otherwiseIn some locker rooms, the talk in locker room is strictly business. “We talk about preparation and execution,” said Dariush Sayson (’18) Varsity football captain said. The football team takes their time in their locker room seriously. They take their time in there as a time to get ready for practice, watching tape, and any and all games. When I asked Sayson how he felt about the recent video with Trump and his comment, grab them by the p***y he was expressed very briefly and directly that he was straight up, “disgusted.” It appears that almost no one at samo agrees with Trumps words and even more so those who play sports do not believe that any talk that Trump said in the Billy Bush video is “locker room talk.”Trump has been the most sexist presidential candidate and, it’s been proven through quotes, actions, and general attitude. We should not let him represent our country or represent anyone that belongs to a group that has “locker room talks” by the fact that he thinks private conversation equals the right to sexual aggressive and unkind to women all over America and the World. Donald Trump doesn’t seem to know the extent of his sexism as his apology was very passive. How can we have a President that can’t even respect half the citizens in the country he represents? At the end of the day the women that he has offended, could be any everyday citizen that’s a woman.


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