Boys Water Polo Continues Wining Streak Against Brentwood

On Wednesday, Sept. 28, boys water polo played a relentless match against Brentwood High School, ending with a final score of 16-7. Although this game was ultimately won by Samo, Brentwood did not go down without a fight. The game started off well for Samo placing them in a three point lead with a score of 6-3.“The team was good. We're getting better and better as the season comes along,” coach Matthew Flanders said.By the end of the second quarter, Samo pushed ahead, taking a six point lead and leaving Brentwood at 10-4. However, within this quarter, players on both teams were ejected, forcing each at one point to play six on five. “When a six on five play happened, we had a lot of good plays, but the one that was the most effective [was] when we kept the ball at the perimeter and just looked for an opening,” Reaph Whitebloom (’17) said.At the start of the third quarter, the scoreboard showed 13-4, and halfway through, a major battle occurred between Alex Weng (’19) and a Brentwood player. Weng came out on top, and retrieved the ball for another chance at making a goal.“We managed to shut down their best players and capitalize on their weaker ones, making our counter attacks really well timed, and therefore improving our score,” Sawyer Koetters (’19) said. With the sound of the buzzer ending the fourth quarter, Samo was nine points ahead of Brentwood with a final score of 16-7. Unanimously, the team and the coach praised Quinlan Plukas (’19) for his ruthless efforts against Brentwood and for the team’s ultimate success. “I usually pass up the opportunity to shoot, but this time I didn’t, and ended up making a lot of good decisions,” Plukas said.In the coming Ocean League season beginning on Oct. 7, the team hopes to continue their winning streak and improve their technique for tougher opponents.


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