First track meet sets tone for rest of season

On March 9, the track team displayed all their hard work at their first league meet against Beverly Hills High School. Although anxious, Samo’s track and field team was able to put their nerves aside and perform to their best abilities.Brighton Mills (’17) competed in the 400 meter race, which is one lap around a quarter mile track.“I really just want to get closer to the school records time which is 46.9 seconds,” Mill said.Like most of the track meets, Mills hopes to be able to beat the school record in his race and have his name put up as record holder.Head coach, Tania Fischer, has hopes for the track team.“Since this is the first league meet, you never know but hope everyone has fun and runs well,” Fischer said.Kayal Palleiko (’17) ran in a variety of competitions including the long jump, high jump and 100 meter hurdles, just to name a few.“I really am just hoping to PR in any event,” Palleiko said.Palleiko, like many others on the team, hopes to achieve a new personal record (PR), in their respective events.Judging from this meet we can expect great things this season from the track and field team.


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Track and field sprint into 2017 season