Girls soccer creams Hawthorne

On Wednesday, Feb. 1, Samo’s girls soccer creams Hawthorne High School in their highest scoring game of the season 9-1.During the entire first half, Samo did not give Hawthorne an opportunity to touch the ball. Eight of the nine goals scored were made during the first half of the game. The girls seemed to move effortlessly and the game became tiresome to watch after a while. In the second half, many of the girls who would otherwise be on the bench were put into the game. The matchup was a lot more even after the change up and the audience’s interest peaked. The starters were cheering on their team mates as they battled against Hawthorne. “It was nice that everyone got to play,” forward Leilani Arvizu (’17) said. “Most of us don’t get a lot of playing time so being able to play is always exciting.” During the second half, forward Tara Marashi (’17) scored the final goal for Samo. Unfortunately, in the final minutes of the game, Hawthorne was able to penetrate Samo’s defense and score a goal.   Samo is coming close to wrapping up their season and the girls are confident that they will continue their winning streak and win Ocean League. “I’m confident that we will win Ocean League, but we still have to play our best each game,” Arvizu said. “We play Beverly on Friday and Culver next week, and I believe we will win both games.”


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