Girls Tennis Strives for a Better Winning Streak

On Thursday, Oct. 13, the girls tennis team brought in another win for Samo after their match against Culver City High School, with a end score of 13-5.According to coach Wilson Poon, the team pulled out another superb performance. The teammates were constantly cheering each other on, which he believes was a huge contributing factor to their success. Other than that he sees their hard work and effort paying off.“They did really well today. Whenever a player finishes, they would immediately go to the next court to cheer their teammate on and that really contributed to today's success,” Poon said. “Their hard work during practice is showing and I can see many of their weak spots improving.”Despite their win, Poon still had a few things he wanted to change. We did very well in doubles and also in singles,” Poon said. “We need to clean a few mistakes up and close matches quicker and not have such tight matches. We are fighting for League title in second place right now, and we need to beat Beverly tomorrow and El Segundo on Thursday to win league.”Mina Rivera (17) is excited for the team’s chance to win league, and confirms that the rest of the team feels the same.“The tension and pressure has definitely increased since last game,” Rivera said. “Practices are being taken more seriously and games feel like they have much higher stakes. It’s going to take a lot of hard work to win League, but the way were going I feel like we definitely can.”The team is currently preparing for their next game on Oct. 18 against Beverly Hills High School, and has high hopes for another success.


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