Girls water polo defeats Beverly by landslide

On Tuesday Jan. 17, the girl's water polo team took on and defeated Beverly Hills High School, with a score of 24-1. Although Samo had expected to win, they still came out and played their hardest knowing that every game counts and should be taken seriously.“Beverly has not had a strong program for a number of years, so I expected to do well,” coach Matthew Flanders said.The girls kicked off the first half strong by making goals left and right and never letting Beverly score once which ended the half 20-0.“It was really a game to work on some fundamentals and get kids who usually don’t get any playing time, some playing time,” Flanders said.At the start of the second half, the girls slowed down, but continued to make shots. They  finished the game with a final score of 24-1.“[Next game] the girls could work on communication and attention to detail,” Flanders said.The team hopes to excel in their next game against Culver City High School on Jan. 19 at Culver City.


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