Samo boys lacrosse continues winning streak

On Mar. 6, Samo boys lacrosse beat Hamilton High School with a score of 15-1. As soon as the game commenced, Samo gained possession of the ball, quickly scoring six goals before the end of the first quarter.Samo continued to rack up a lead, as they went into the second quarter, but Hamilton was able to score one goal before halftime, leaving the first half with a score of 11-1.The team breezed through the second half, scoring four goals, maintaining their lead.“It wasn’t a very good team. At the beginning, we weren’t doing that well because we weren’t ready, but after the 1st quarter we started trying and played better,” Tyler Mcnamara (’19) said.For Samo, this win represents the fourth sweep-out out of four games (15-4 vs Brentwood, 18-3 vs Birmingham and 19-6 vs Redondo), placing them in a secure position going into league.“Coach told us that even though we won 16-1, we didn’t play as well as we could have, and that we were going to have to step up in the next games because the teams are better,” Ryan Lai (’19) said.


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