Samo boys volleyball defeats Lawndale

 On Thurs., April 23, Samo volleyball beat Lawndale High School 3-0 in a very quick match of volleyball, with Samo winning within 45 minutes. This win brings the Vikings to two wins and three losses in Ocean League play. In the first set, Samo played well in all facets and handily won 25-6. Samo started the second set off just as well, with a 19-4 lead. Later, a vicious spike by middle blocker Elijah Lax (’15) gave the team a 22-8 lead and Lawndale did not score for the remainder of the set as Samo went on to win 25-8. “As a team we just went through our motions and played smart,” opposite hitter Zac Pittard (’17) said. “We didn’t let [Lawndale’s] playing change how we played our game. Disciplined passing allowed our setter to get creative with his sets in [order] to trick the other team.” Samo did not play with the same enthusiasm in that third set as they had in the first two, as they found themselves down by two to Lawndale on three separate occasions this set. Samo also missed five serves this set, contributing to Lawndale’s points. However, Samo was able to pull it together, as the team went on an eight-point run towards the end of the set that propelled them to a 25-14 victory. “The main aspect of our game [that] we need to improve on is consistent, tough serving in the game,” Pittard said. Throughout the entire match, it seemed that Lawndale was not able to match up to Samo’s communication and great team chemistry. “Everything we did was clicking,” setter and libero Rowdy Lennon (’17) said. “We were able to easily put the ball down off of great passes and sets.” According to Lennon, this teamwork is the aspect that overwhelmingly sets them apart from other teams. “As a whole team, we are all really good friends and get along very well on the court,” Lennon said. According to Pittard, Lennon was the Player of the Game. “Everyone had a good game, but especially Rowdy,” Pittard said. “Without Rowdy’s passing, our setter wouldn’t have the creative freedom to set any hitter on our team. This can easily mislead the other team if the setter continues to get passes which put him in the position to do so.” While the game against Lawndale was successful, there are always improvements to be made. “[We need to improve on] covering the block and closing the seam in the block,” Lennon said.


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