Samo Sweeps in Rivalry Game Against Beverly

On Sept. 29, the long-lasting feud between Samo and Beverly Hills High School continued in an exciting and competitive match.Tensions were high from the very start. Various Samo students came to support the team and they began to chant loudly to express their viking pride. However, the players, though pleased to see so much support from their peers, were forced to tune out all outside voices and to focus at the task at hand. “Having a big crowd there helped us work better together,” Grace Garland (’17) said. “Especially since [they’re] our biggest rival, the fans and the big crowds help us get motivated.”In the first set, Beverly challenged Samo by keeping the score neck-and-neck. The first few points were tied, but after a few minutes, Samo earned a ten point lead with the help of Sophie Major (’18) and Mikayla Diamond (’19). This growing lead continued until Samo ended the set with a final score of 25-15. “I think that throughout the whole game we had good energy, communication and focus,” Diamond said.The girls won the second set with an impressive final score on 25-8. With only one more set in order to win, the crowds in the stands were chanting Samo cheers in order to challenge the crowd of Beverly fans on the opposing side of the court.“We’ve been working on more aggressive serves. Starting off strong like this will come back to help us on defense,” coach Liane Sato said. The stamina of the team did not cease until the very last second of the game. Their mental toughness and overall mutual team support helped the overall success of the team.“After every point, whether we win it or lose it, we rejoin ourselves by patting each other on the back in a huddle,” Amelia Fischer (’18) said. “It brings us all together, and it’s good to have that support.”Clearly intimidated by the loud chanting crowds and the scoreboard looming down on them, Beverly seemed to get tired and out of breath within the first minutes of the third set. The final score of the last set was 25-11 and concluded the first game of the Samo-Beverly rivalry of this school year.




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