inventory_2 Archive: Fall 2014 - Spring 2017
- 1st place
- 2GG
- 13 hours
- 13 Reasons Why
- 90s
- 1994
- A Seat At The Table
- A$SAP Yam
- Acadeca
- Acrobatics
- acting
- Activities
- Adam Klein
- adjustments
- admin
- advice
- advocacy
- Against
- ahhh
- Aidan
- Aiello
- airport
- album
- Alexander Wessel
- Alexis Lopez
- Alicia Keys
- Alissa Hattori
- Allie Barrett
- Alumni
- Alyssa Hattori
- Amalia Davis de Piccolo
- Amalie Luneng-Solli
- america
- Andre
- Animals
- Annual
- anxiety
- ap art
- Application
- Appointed new
- Appreciate
- April Fools
- APs
- Aquarium
- archaeology
- Arielle Melamed
- Arists
- arrest
- Arrival
- art
- art for a good cause
- art show
- Artists
- artribe
- artribe2015
- Artur Jozkowicz
- ASB Elections 2015
- Asians
- ask ella
- athletics
- attention
- Audrey Hattori
- Austrian
- Austrian Exchange Students
- Avery Kirschbaum
- awareness
- AWarnock
- Aylin Fernandez
- Back to School
- band
- band board
- Band goes to DC
- Band tour
- barnum
- Barnum Hall
- barraza
- Bart Burdick
- baseball
- basketball
- Beau Gosse
- Beirne
- Ben Allen
- Ben Allen swears in
- Ben Keiser
- Ben Ross
- benghazi
- benjaminkay
- Berggren
- Betsy
- Beverly
- Beverly conflict
- beverly fight
- beverly game
- beverly hills
- Beverly Hills High School
- Birmingham Community Charter High School
- Bita Maknouni
- Black
- black friday
- blood
- blurb
- board members
- Board of Education
- bobsled
- book review
- Boy golf
- Boyd
- Boys
- Boys Lacrosse
- boys volleyball
- Boys Water Polo
- Boys' Basketball
- boys' soccer
- boys' tennis
- Brandon Bertolino
- Brandon Mc-Donough
- breast cancer awareness
- brief
- Brighton Mills
- Brooke Earkman
- Brooke Forrer
- Bryn Boyd
- Budget
- Cable
- Camille De Beus
- campaigns
- Campus
- campus beautification
- campuslife
- Career Day
- Career Technical Education
- Carly Condon
- Chadwick High School
- Chailen August
- changes
- Chapman
- chaz bundick
- cheer
- cheerleading
- chess
- Chicago
- Chino Hills High School
- Chloe Goldsmith
- Chloe Kleinman
- choir
- choir concert
- choir presidents
- Choir Trip
- Christians
- christmas
- christmas edition
- Christopher Fazio
- CIF Championship
- CIF playoffs
- cisgender
- City Council
- City Lacrosse
- Civic Center
- Classes
- Classrooms
- Claudia Bautista
- close game
- Club Day
- club sports
- clubs
- coca-cola
- colin firth
- collecting art
- college
- college basketball
- college center
- college life
- college process
- college-bound
- column
- commercialism
- community
- comparison
- concert
- concerts
- conditioning
- Construction
- consumerism
- contributor
- Copylife
- Corey Kim
- corey prost
- corrections
- Corrie Kim
- Costume contest
- Counterfeit Money
- craze
- crazy train
- Crespi
- cross country
- Cthulhu
- Cubs
- cult
- Culver City
- Culver City High School
- cuss words
- Custodian
- Dai Williams
- Dakota
- Dana Hills
- dance
- Dancer
- Daniel Schreier
- Dante Gaudet
- dare
- Dariush Sayson
- day of the dead
- deadlines
- DeAndre Parks
- Debbie Skaggs
- defense
- delicious
- Democrats
- Department
- Desmond Bunting
- Devos
- Dia de los Muertos
- dinosaurs
- discrimination
- disney
- disney pep rally
- distractions
- District
- Doctor Strange
- Dodgers
- Donald Trump
- dorothy
- Douglas Kim
- Downey
- Doyle
- Drake
- Drake Pool
- driving
- drug free world
- Drug Prevention
- drugs
- drugseminar
- Dyrek
- Earth Watch Fellowships
- Editor
- Effects on Campus
- El Nino
- El Segundo
- El Segundo High School
- election
- elections
- electric car
- Elijah Lax
- emergency
- Endangered
- England
- English
- english textbook
- Eric Garner
- Ernesto Flores
- ESports
- Europe
- events
- everyone
- Exchange Students
- extension policy
- extensions
- fair
- fall play
- family
- Fandoms
- feature
- Ferguson
- fidget spinners
- field trip
- Fieldtrip
- Fight
- film
- film and video
- films
- final exams
- Finals
- fire
- firearms
- Fischer
- Flanders
- Florida
- flower design
- flying
- Focus
- Food
- Food Reviews
- foodLA
- football
- Football Coach
- Formula 1 Car
- Francie Stefan
- free speech
- Freedman
- freshman
- Freshman Seminar
- frosh soph
- fun
- funding
- fundraise
- fundraiser
- fundraising
- Funds
- Future
- future plans
- gabe ziaukas
- gender
- George Felstiner
- George Washington Prep
- Get Out
- Ghost in the Shell
- girl's lacrosse
- Girls
- Girls Golf
- Girls soccer
- Girls Tennis
- girls water polo
- girls waterloo
- girls waterpolo
- girls' basketball
- girls' volleyball
- Giulia Trevellin
- giving back
- Glendale High School
- goals
- golf
- Gonzalez-Drake
- good movie
- Gov
- Government
- Grace Garland
- grades
- GradNite
- graphic novels
- Greek
- Greek Theater
- Greenies
- Greenwich Chase
- griffin james
- Groceries
- Grocery
- gun control
- gun culture
- gun deaths
- gun ownership
- guns
- gymnastics
- Halloween
- Halloween Horror Nights
- Hand-on-education
- Hannah
- Hannah Skikne
- Hattori
- Hawaii
- Hawthorne
- Hawthorne High School
- Hecht
- Hernandez
- heteronormativity
- high school
- hiking
- Hillary
- Hillary Clinton
- History
- Hoffman
- Hole-in-One
- holidays
- Holt Jones
- homecoming
- Homelessness
- Homework
- homophobia
- Honda Center
- house of blue leaves
- houses
- Hulu
- humanities center
- Humans of Samohi
- i house
- Iceskating
- Immigration
- Important
- in response
- In Review
- infant toddler center
- Injuries
- Instagram
- intelligence
- Internet
- interview
- investigation
- Invincible
- Jackson
- Jalen Jones
- James Hecht
- James Phelen
- Japan
- Japanese
- Jaredan Levin
- Jennifer Pust
- Jennifer Reynoso
- Jerry Brown
- Jessica Ni
- Jesús Gonzalez
- jewish
- jimmy
- Jimmy Chapman
- Joe Doyle
- John W- North
- Johnson
- Jonah Mathews
- jonathangold
- Jordan Maness
- Juan Castillo
- juancastillo
- judy durkin
- juniors
- Justine Beirne
- Justine Bierne
- jv
- JW North
- Kalie Nakao
- Kariya
- Kate Song
- Kay Sponsorship
- Keiser
- Kelly Cano
- Kevin McKeown
- Kicker
- Kim
- king
- king and queen
- kingsman
- Kleiman
- Klein
- Kong
- Kyle Zolkin
- la art
- La Mirada
- LA Rams
- La Reina
- La Sociedad
- LA times
- Lack of
- Lambert
- Lancaster
- Lance Raford
- language
- Last 8 years
- Latin
- Lauren Gaudry
- Laurence Keungne
- Lawndale
- Lee
- Legalization
- legalize
- Leigh Campbell
- Leilani Arvizu
- Lena Winner
- Leslie
- Letter
- Letter from the editor
- LGBTQ Community
- lgbtqia
- Liane Sato
- licenses
- Lieu
- Lilly Grahm
- Lilly Lecanu-Fayet
- Lily Auerbach
- list
- lit
- live from la
- lockdown
- Lockers
- Lockett
- Lockett Petition
- Lomeli
- Long Beach
- Loren Drake
- Los Angeles
- Los Angeles Times
- lower level sports
- Luis Ramirez
- Mac&Cheese
- Maddy Tung
- Maggie Lena
- Maiya Coleman
- Malibu
- malibu split
- Marcel Espinoza
- Marcelo
- Marcelo Tores
- March Madness
- marching band
- Maria di Franco
- Marion Clark
- Marisa Silvestri
- Marissa Silvestri
- Mark Black
- Marlborough
- Marymount High School
- masculinity
- materialism
- math
- Matthew Flanders
- Matthew Morawiec
- Max Foucaut
- Maya Cooper
- measles
- mentors
- merry little playlists
- Message
- metro
- Micah Jamieson
- Michael Brown
- Mikhail Brown
- Millikan High School
- Mina Rivera
- minorities
- Mira Costa
- molly weinstein
- Money
- monosexual
- Mostafa Diab
- Motivational Techniques
- motus perpetuus
- movie
- movie review
- movie reviews
- movies
- Mr- Viking
- Ms- Miking
- Muhammad Yusuf Tar
- Murals
- Murphy
- Murrieta Valley
- Music
- music department
- music politics
- musical
- Nakao
- Nassir Grissom
- Natalia Garban
- Nate Comay
- National Championship
- native american
- NBA 2017
- near
- Netflix
- new adviser
- New Building
- new laws
- New Tests
- New Williams
- news
- Nico Young
- Noah Alemania
- Norovirus
- North
- North Gym
- Notre Dame High School
- nra
- obama
- obituary
- Ocean Bowl
- ocean league
- Ocean League volleyball
- Ode to him
- Ode to Obama
- offseason
- Olivia Schwartz
- Olympics
- on campus change
- opinion
- opinions
- orchestra
- orchestra board
- orchestra fundraiser
- Orchestras
- Other View
- Ouija
- Out for Schol
- Over Budget
- overlooked
- Owen
- oz
- Pacific Palisades High School
- paleontology
- pali
- Parker Furlong
- Pasadena Poly
- Patenaude
- Penmar
- pep rally
- pep squad
- Personal
- Peter Husting
- Petition
- Philharmonic Orchestra
- photo
- photography
- pilots
- Pink Week
- Pipeline
- planned parenthood
- Play
- Playlist
- playoffs
- Pledge
- poem
- pokemon go
- police brutality
- politics
- Polytechnic High School
- Poon
- presentation
- Presidency
- president
- Price
- pro gun arguments
- pro-guns
- prodigy
- project playlist
- Project Safezone
- prom
- Propositions
- protests
- Public Education
- Quarterfinals
- Quiz Bowl
- Racism
- racist
- rain
- Ralph Mechur
- Ramsey
- Ramsey Lambert
- Randy Marinez
- Rape
- Rappers
- Rara Gumbel
- Rate
- Ratemyteachers
- Rats
- Rayna
- Reaph Whitebloom
- Redondo
- Redondo Union
- Redondo Union High School
- redskins
- Religion
- Remember
- Remembering
- Reporter
- Republicans
- Response
- Retirement
- review
- Richard Tahvildaran-Jesswein
- Rico McGary
- riots
- Rip Economou
- rivalry
- Riverside Polytechnic High School
- road trip
- Rod Henley
- rop cuts
- Rosti
- Rowdy Lennon
- ruby slippers
- Rudy Olmedo
- Ryan Rubinstein
- S-House
- safety
- Sam Slama
- Sam Wittert
- Sammy Cockrell
- Samo
- Samo Alumni
- samo art
- samo choir
- Samo music
- Samo sports
- Samo teachers
- Samo theater
- samohi
- San Dimas High School
- Santa
- santa monica
- santa monica high school
- Santa Paula
- Sara Amirdelfan
- Sasha Nickman
- sat
- Sato
- Savannah Yassin
- Save Mr- Lockett's job
- scare
- scary
- Schedule
- Schedules
- school
- School Board
- school theater
- science
- Science Bowl
- scientology
- scores
- season finale
- Seattle
- Selective Process
- Semifinals
- Senay Ozkan
- senior class
- Senior Day
- senior steering
- seniors
- Settlement
- shakespeare
- Shanna Stevenson
- sharing
- Shattered
- shootings
- shotting
- Sierra Merille
- Siobhan Eustace
- Skateboard
- skylar sam
- SMMUSDBoardofEd
- Snake
- Soccer
- Sofia Garcia George
- Softball
- Solange Knowles
- Solar Panels
- Songs
- sophomores
- Sound of Music
- South LA
- South Torrance High School
- spaghetti and strings
- special effects
- special report
- spirit
- Split
- spooky
- Sports
- Sports Center
- Spring
- spring musical
- state of the union
- Statement
- Steinback
- steinbeck
- Stephen Miller
- Store
- Storm
- strange daze
- Streaming
- stress
- StuartScott
- Student Athletes
- Student Band
- student body
- Student Life
- Students
- study hall
- Subsitutues
- successful season
- Suicide
- Summer travels
- Sunflower seed spitting
- super intendent
- Superfans
- Superintendent
- sustainability
- swear words
- Swenson
- Swim
- Tamir Rice
- Tania Fischer
- teacher
- teachers
- Teaching
- Tech building
- Tech Program
- technology
- Ted
- television
- Temecula Valley
- Temescal
- tennis
- Tess Goddard
- Tessa
- Testing
- thanksgiving
- The Bachelor
- The Crucible
- The Election
- The Elections
- the nautilus
- The paveman
- The Samohi
- theater
- Theatre
- thedrugproblem
- Thriller/Horror
- throwback
- tie
- Tiffany Minney
- Tim Ballaret
- Tom Brady
- toro y moi
- Torrance
- Torrance High School
- toto
- Toy
- Track
- Track and Field
- Trader Joe's
- traditions
- transphobia
- transportation
- travels abroad
- Travis Clark
- trick or treating
- Trip
- Trump
- tuition
- tuition inflation
- Turf
- tutoring
- undefeated
- Unique pets
- United States
- Universal Studios
- Unsucessful
- upset
- Us vs- Them
- Valedectorian
- Values
- vapes
- Vaping
- varsity basketball
- varsity volleyball
- Veronica Johnson
- Video Game
- Viking Fund
- Vikingboat
- Vin Scully
- vintage
- violence
- Virtual Business
- Virtual Business competition
- Virtual businesses
- Vista Murrieta High School
- Vivian Cheng
- Vladimir Vonklan
- volleyball
- volunteer
- voting
- VS
- Warnock
- Water Polo
- weather
- weed
- weekend
- Weekend update
- Weight Rooms
- wells
- West World
- Westridge
- what for
- What to do this weekend
- Whitewashing
- Whitney Jones
- Whole Foods
- wifi
- Wilston Poon
- win streak
- Winston Poon
- Winter Formal
- winter pep rally
- winter sports
- winter sports pep rally
- wizard of oz
- Women's March
- wrestling
- Wynn Trihn
- Y'all West
- Yasmine Benlamine
- yearbook
- yum
- Zac Pittard
- Zane Spielman
- zoo
- Zoot suit
- zumbathon
- Zurbano

Former Samohi Writer (Spring 2010-Spring 2024)
Former Samohi Writer (Spring 2010-Spring 2024)