Bill Nye says "hi"

This past veteran’s day, while others were grilling, Mr. Kay’s Honors Biology, Marine Biology, and Santa Monica College Biology students met Bill Nye.“I originally heard about it when I saw on my facebook feed that Bill Nye was in town. That he had a documentary about his life, his role- not only as a science educator but also as an activist and communicator of what humans aren't doing right. It’s essentially about him trying to calibrate a way to respond in unison to issues of today , like climate change. To respond in a way that reflects what science tells us we should be doing. He’s become very vocal about climate change and evolution in the science community and him being such a spokesperson for science I thought seeing him come and speak would be a unique experience,” Kay said.The Nuart theatre, home to the infamous ‘Rocky Horror Picture Show’, was the venue for the event. Bill Nye’s new documentary was shown and there was a Q&A following the presentation. Several Samo students went up and posed questions after the viewing.“I’ve heard nothing but raving reviews from my students. They loved getting to see him and see him speak. They really really enjoyed his film and his inspiration,” Kay said.


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