The Leaders of Samo
A glimpse into the ambitions of the leaders of Samo’s major organizations.. These students have gone above and beyond to launch their respective programs into the new year. Ryan Chien ('19) President of ASB:“I’m most looking forward to finding new ways of improving communication between the student body. In the past, there’s been a sort of disconnect in certain aspects between ASB and relaying information to students. Right now, we’re trying to help as many students as we can in becoming more involved and informed through mediums like the school-wide remind, announcements, posters, and social media. With better communication, we as ASB can listen to more voices in our decision-making.” Annie Huang ('19) President of Delians: “This year we’re looking forward to expanding Delians membership (especially to underclassmen), finding new volunteer opportunities, and making the application process easier for everyone! As the oldest organization on campus, we’re working to modernize Delians and hopefully speed up the registration process.” Isabella Chuecos ('19) Marching Band Drum Major:“I’m most looking forward to having a lasting impact on our freshmen/new members. I want to make their first year as enjoyable as possible, and as a drum major I feel personally responsible in making sure everyone feels welcomed and excited to be in the band.” Arya Shapouri ('19) Orchestra Concert Major:“As a senior who’s been so privileged to have been in 9 years of school orchestras, this year is my thank you to the program that brought me such passion and joy. I plan to do the best I can to make this orchestra, and all orchestras, as best as they can be to show both Samo, and the City of Santa Monica, and even the world the power of giving a fourth grader a violin.” Katie Richards ('19) Co-Yearbook Editor in Chief:“I am looking forward to making this book look great, and represent the student body well with a theme that everyone can appreciate. I also look forward to innovating how yearbook works behind the scenes to make the process easier and more organized, and be able to produce a better book than ever with less of the drama and stress!” Jasmine Karkafi - ('19) Co-Yearbook Editor in Chief:“I am looking forward to getting closer with my yearbook staffers and creating a new family. I am also very excited to see the book’s theme materialized from the original ideas Katie and I created over the summer. We also renovated the space in which we work to make it much more manageable, which is exciting as well!”Christian Chamorro ('19) President of Running With Speakers:“I am looking forward to teaching other members what I know about sound, video, and lighting. This is my last year so I have to make it a good one for all seniors in this club. I need to make sure that the crew is in good hands next year for any event.” Sophie Golay ('19) Co-Choir President:“I'm really excited to learn more about the behind the scenes work a teacher does and learning how to help out within that!” James Brine ('19) C0-Choir President:“I am personally excited to work with more students from outside of my own choir ensemble, as well as take a more active leading role during class time.”