New building naming contest
As the 35-year renovating plan for Samo progresses, ASB announced in early October, a contest to all Samo homerooms. A contest to name the new building that will go in place of what is now the Science and Tech Building.Like every building at Samo, the home to a new pool, cafeteria and the new O and M houses, needs a name. Admin turned to those who know Samo best for it: its students. With the upcoming demolition of the current Science and Tech building to kick off the Samo 35-year plan, Samo gave its students the chance to name the new building. The rules were that words beginning with “ B, L, A, S, N, M, H, E, I, P ” are prohibited. This is because they’re already taken by current buildings. Homeroom classes were asked to submit words to their homeroom representative ASB members. The winning homeroom was to be rewarded with doughnuts and bragging rights.It was the 2nd period class homeroom of Ms. Madison’s Honors Algebra II class that won the doughnuts and bragging rights. It was Owen Halpert (’20), that came up with the winning title, “Discovery.”“Given all the interaction we’d been having with Randy Bresnik, I was thinking about NASA. And from there, I began to think about mission names- Curiosity, Endeavor, Discovery. And, everyone in the class liked discovery,” Halpert said. The name went through many groups before being chosen. First it went through administrators, then our dean of students and then the site council. The final vetting will be done by the Board of Education. However at the moment, administrators are tentatively referring to the phase project and building as the Discovery building. With the entire project still in its early stages, the name could change. However for now, future Samo students will discover in the Discovery building.