A collection of clubs continued throughout COVID-19

By Rachel Levin, Staff Writer

During COVID-19, getting involved in extracurriculars is not the easiest thing. With no one in-person to guide you or recommend activities, everything seems a bit inaccessible. But despite virtual learning, school clubs and activities are still up and running, and these are some recommendations, catered to specific interests, to help you find your fit.


Jazz Band: Jazz Band is a dual enrollment class with SMC that counts for college credit. It is directed by Tom Whaley and Ryan Rowels and is taught after school. Auditions are open to anyone, and rehearsal schedules can be found here: https://samohiband.com/jazz/

Harmony Helpers: Harmony Helpers club provides private virtual lessons to middle school and beginner high school students who are unable to afford lessons during COVID-19. They also raise money to buy music books for students and to donate to various organizations of the club’s interest. They meet Tuesdays at noon. https://zoom.us/j/91739635833?pwd=cUxnb2RZa0pTQlBWby9vUFQyMGJSUT09


Samo Literary Magazine: Samo’s SunLit Zine is a magazine dedicated to showcasing art from Samo students. From collages to paintings to poetry, submissions are welcome at samoliterarymagazine@gmail.com. The club meets Mondays at 3 p.m., and editors are welcome.

Sketch-Writing Club: Sketch-Writing Club’s aim is to create fun and original short sketches and to present opportunities for members to have their sketches performed. They meet every other Thursday at lunch. https://zoom.us/j/93531779550?pwd=bWo1czRLcFV5VktTa2ZjeFZ6OC9lQT09


Academic Decathlon (AcaDeca): AcaDeca is a class geared toward students who love logic and trivia, or harbor a competitive streak. The class meets with teams from other schools to compete in games requiring a wealth of knowledge and quick thinking.

Data Science Club: Data Science Club teaches the basic Python required for simple machine learning models and data analytics, and allows each club member to pursue a basic data science project with help and mentorship from peers. They meet each Friday after school. https://zoom.us/j/7467764022?pwd=Mm1HMjc2WDlvMndnYzl1WDBJcDhPdz09

Sports Medicine Club: Sports Medicine Club members gain hands on experience in the athletic healthcare field by assisting at games providing first aid for minor injuries, concussion assessments and taping both ankles and wrists. They also learn about the body and how to diagnose and treat injuries. Although they have not been getting hands on experience because of COVID-19, they still meet via Zoom each Thursday during Flex-Time. https://zoom.us/j/92713064740?pwd=ZWJYaExhVlJBYlN1WkhiamwxTDlIdz09


National English Honor Society: The National English Honor Society is an honor society just for people who love English. Members participate in community service, have opportunities to submit writing to society-wide competitions and are grouped with other students who love the language. They meet every other Monday during lunch. https://zoom.us/j/97052731793?pwd=c0ZsTkZoNkJhT09IS1ArNWc0eG9Cdz09

Books for Kids: Books for Kids strives to help kids with low access to books acquire reading material. They also try to encourage the discussion of literature and build a supportive community through volunteering. They meet Thursdays at 12:10. https://zoom.us/j/92744093218?pwd=M2xsMFFOaTFhOHhQVVRzdTNlYkx3Zz09

Writing contests - Here are a couple upcoming/ongoing writing contests high school students can enter:

  • Bow Seat Ocean Awareness contest, deadline June 2021
  • Adroit journal writing contest, deadline April 2021


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