HOTLB: Advice from Samo's Senior Class

Are you an underclassman struggling to find your place at Samo? Searching for ways to fit in and navigate the school successfully? Look no further! Samo’s senior class has advice for you! 

“Join different sports and activities. Don't think that just because you didn't do it in middle school that you can't do it now. Commit to something for all four years.” 

-Maya Karni (’23)

“These are your early years of high school, use this time to get used to the school. Branch out and get the swing of things.” 

-Jacob Gonzalez (’23)

“Walk faster in the halls. But also take it easy freshman and sophomore year. Don't stress out too much until junior year.” 

-Jasmine Gonzalez (’23)

“Really pay attention in your classes because your future self will have an easier time.”

- Santiago Arteaga (’23)

“Know there are so many paths to take and you create your own future. Whatever anyone tells you, know that you know yourself best and don't follow what you think is a safe path as those can be the riskiest.” 

-Adin Freedman (’23)


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