Real christmas trees don't just smell better...

By Noor Memarzadeh, Staff Writer

Every holiday season families have to choose whether they want to purchase a real authentic christmas tree or invest in a fake one. For many, the answer to this question seems clear. Buy a fake tree that will last you multiple years, and save a tree from being chopped down. However, after taking a closer look, the environmental factors that come with purchasing a fake tree are a lot worse than purchasing a real one. 

Shockingly, the idea that chopping down millions of christmas trees each year is bad for the environment is actually incorrect. According to Bert Cregg, a christmas tree production and forestry expert from Michigan State University, christmas trees are crops planted on special farms, not just taken from a forest. So, cutting them down for the holiday season isn't harming the environment at all. If anything, the tree's oxygen is helping the environment. 

The materials that fake trees are made of are detrimental to our environment. According to CBS News, about 80 percent of American households put up artificial trees each year and each fake tree is made up of nonrecyclable or compostable plastics and steel. Even if these trees are used for years at a time they eventually will end up in a landfill. In contrast, real christmas trees can decompose and return to the natural cycle.

In addition to real trees being better for the environment, they also have other pros such as allowing you to support local farmers, having the fresh scent of the tree around your house and the christmas tree farms giving room for wildlife to live.

However, even with all the better aspects of real trees they are still not the best way to go. They come with their own issues, such as their pesticides being detrimental to wildlife. Additionally, real trees also come with the mess of the pine needles all over your floor. 

From a simpler point of view, instead of going through the hassle of driving and picking out the perfect tree, constantly having to clean your house with pine needles and worrying about the environment, the best decision might be to either skip the tree aspect of Christmas or to find another alternative. Instead of buying a real or fake tree you could use a planted tree. You can choose to decorate one in your backyard or even get a mini tree in a pot and decorate that! These types of plants will also last you years to come with the right care whereas a real tree only lasts for the month.

This year if set on the idea of purchasing a traditional tree go with the authentic green and piny one instead of the one made of plastic. Or even better yet, break away from both unethical options and find a more fun and creative alternative!


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