Admin advocate to offer AP European History
Mia Lopez-ZubiriStaff WriterNext year, Samo administrators hope to offer Advanced Placement European History (AP Euro) to incoming sophomores. The course, which has not been offered at Samo before, will become an alternative to World History.According to I-House Principal Renée Semik, in order for Samo to offer the class, the outline will have to be approved by the school board. The class outline will then be submitted and accepted through the UC approval system and College Board.Semik says that the course will have all the same requirements as other AP courses offered at Samo, and will be the first AP class available to sophomores without any pre-requisites. Semik hopes that the class will help prepare sophomores for future AP courses.“I’m hopeful that students will learn skills, content and earn college credit from a passing score on the exam,” Semik said. “I also hope that it will alleviate the push for juniors to take four to five AP classes.”M-House adviser Judith Hinojosa-Riusech says that the course would benefit sophomores by giving them AP experience before their junior year.“It would be beneficial for sophomores to know what it’s like to take an AP. The rigor is much different than an honors class,” Hinojosa-Riusech said. “This course would really allow for sophomores to take an AP in a way where they can have the support that they need to be successful in the class. Having just one AP is manageable and you can really work with the teacher and figure out the skills that are necessary- anybody can be successful in that kind of class.”S-House Principal Jason Kurtenbach says that more APs will help our students and the school as a whole.“A more diverse AP course selection may mean more students attempting and succeeding in AP which may lead to greater academic success in the future,” Kurtenbach said.Social studies teacher Robert Alvarado, who will teach the class if it is approved, is excited about the possibility of the new class.“This class [could] be something new and interesting,” Alvarado said. “I think it will be challenging for sophomores, but if they’re motivated then it shouldn’t be too difficult.”