Historic firetruck visits Samo
Most students sit and listen to their history teacher lecture on and on about important events in history. However, it is not an everyday occurrence when they can actually experience one.In order to honor and remember the historic day of Sept. 11, 2001, The Rescue 5 firetruck from the New York City Fire Department came to Samo as part of the Remembrance Rescue Project."Most of the students are a new generation," Battalion Chief of the Santa Monica Fire Department Mark Bridges said. "[Sept. 11] is like the modern-day Pearl Harbor, so I’m hoping [this] generation will learn that part of our history and what prompted that event. And I can say Rescue 5 is a part of that history."According to Bridges, Rescue 5 travels around the country to educate the new generation about the events of Sept. 11, when terrorists flew planes into the World Trade Center. 11 of the 12 firefighters of Rescue 5 lost their lives that day.Social studies teacher Bryn Boyd said that Samo is the first school on the west coast to host Rescue 5.Language teacher Veronica Garcia-Hecht took her class to the presentation in front of Barnum Hall because she believes that it is important remember and acknowledge history."We can’t forget, and [the firetruck] makes that day concrete," Garcia-Hecht said. "It’s not just something that happened when I was two or three, you know? It actually happened. To see this, and to have it here, it’s just an opportunity of a lifetime. I’m sure a few of our students will go out on their own, go searching for it, activities like this, but many won’t. And I think if it’s here, and it’s in our lap, let’s take advantage of it."Boyd brought her classes to the site so they could view the historic firetruck."It’s history, but it’s so new, and at the same time you guys are so young that you don’t really know what it is; you only know what Hollywood has made into movies and stuff, so I like bringing like an actual artifact to you guys, and having firefighters speak to you," Boyd said. "On that day 11 out of the 12 firefighters died, so they can’t come talk to you, but these firefighters have sort of volunteered in their stead, and I think that’s really cool."Belen Sanchez ('16) enjoyed the presentation because it gave him insight into what happened on Sept. 11."It showed a piece of history that is very important to us not only as students but as American citizens," Sanchez said. "It showed the memories of the people who gave their lives to protect our country and I honestly appreciate what they tried to do for [the victims]."cyen@thesamohi.com