NEWS Leo Lucente, Staff Writer NEWS Leo Lucente, Staff Writer

Election aftermath: Democrats shaky as right sweeps

Donald Trump and the Republican Party came out

victorious after a historic election this past month. In

congress, the Republicans maintained control of the

House with a majority of 220 to 215 and flipped four

senate seats to secure a 53 to 47 majority. In regards to

the presidential race, all seven swing states voted con-

servative as Trump won both the electoral college and

popular vote—312 to 216 and 50 percent to 48.3 per-

cent, respectively. Contrarily, in Samo’s mock election,

Harris received 71 percent of the votes while Trump

received 12.4 percent. When Trump is inaugurated

as the 47th president of the United States on Jan. 20,

2025, the Republican party will control the judicial,

legislative and executive branches of the United States.

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Samo alum stephen miller to advise trump
NEWS Addy Fiore, Staff Writer NEWS Addy Fiore, Staff Writer

Samo alum stephen miller to advise trump

21 years ago Stephen Miller (’03), now President Trump’s nominee for Deputy Chief of policy, walked the halls of Santa Monica High School. Raised by a liberal- leaning Jewish family in the heart of Santa Monica, Miller’s childhood environment contrasted the political ideas he would later promote. Miller's time at Samo was marked by controversy, where he would deliver speeches to the student body and write conservative opinion pieces to various newspapers. Later he became a polarizing political figure as Senior Advisor to Trump’s 2016 administration.  

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What’s going on around Samo?
NEWS Eugene Naruse, Staff Writer NEWS Eugene Naruse, Staff Writer

What’s going on around Samo?

Pier Bridge to undergo construction, Big Blue Bus to implement new law for safety, Annual Ice Rink opens in Santa Monica, New wellness fairs at Samo

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Samo students found first SM Youth Advisory Board
NEWS Imani Toler NEWS Imani Toler

Samo students found first SM Youth Advisory Board

Created by Samo students, the City of Santa Monica’s new Youth Advisory Board aims to give a voice to the juvenile demographic of Santa Monica. The board was officially created in May with approval from the former Santa Monica mayor, Phil Brock.

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PROPS 33 and 34 challenge california voter EDUCATION
NEWS Kamerin Shakir NEWS Kamerin Shakir

PROPS 33 and 34 challenge california voter EDUCATION

On the Nov. ballot, California voters faced two controversial propositions: 33 and 34. These propositions have raised eyebrows regarding their true objectives and their implications for public policy. Both 33 and 34 are linked to the AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) and have been described as misleading by design due to their complex messaging and potential consequences that extend beyond their surface-level objectives.

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ADHD meds linked to increased psychosis risk, study finds
NEWS Leo Lucente, Staff Writer NEWS Leo Lucente, Staff Writer

ADHD meds linked to increased psychosis risk, study finds

A recent study published in the American Journal of Psychiatry found that taking ADHD medication may lead to a greater risk of developing psychosis or mania. ADHD medicine is one of the most common prescription medicines among adolescents. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, 15 percent of high school seniors reported use of ADHD medication in 2022. This figure may translate to roughly 100 kids at Samo. 

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Study finds: Santa Monica is bad for business
NEWS Koi Lerner, Staff Writer NEWS Koi Lerner, Staff Writer

Study finds: Santa Monica is bad for business

Santa Monica is the most expensive city to conduct business in, according to a recent study performed by Claremont McKenna College’s Rose Institute. The study analyzed a set of cost-related factors in 216 cities all across the nation. There were seven sections of the study- business license fee, utility tax, sales tax, minimum wage, average community rent, crime index and housing affordability index. Each city was ranked on a scale and Santa Monica placed the worst within every section of the study. 

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Teens in crisis: addressing high school mental health
NEWS Addy Fiore, Staff Writer NEWS Addy Fiore, Staff Writer

Teens in crisis: addressing high school mental health

Schools across the country have witnessed an extreme mental health crisis afflicting their students.

According to Mental Health America, 20.17 percent of youth (ages 12-17) reported suffering from at least one major depressive episode (MDE) in the past year. 

Even starker, the CDC found that more than 4 in 10 (42 percent) students felt persistently sad or hopeless and nearly one-third (29 percent) experienced poor mental health.

With college applications for seniors coming up, hours of homework a night and extracurriculars becoming overwhelming for high schoolers, there has been a rise in awareness of the pressure brought on students. Mental health is an invisible struggle that many students across the nation go through, although we may not be able to see it, it often leads to students having to struggle alone.  The academic standard that students are being held to is becoming unmanageable and anxiety inducing to many. 

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What’s going on around Samo?
NEWS Arata Sakamoto, Staff Writer NEWS Arata Sakamoto, Staff Writer

What’s going on around Samo?

Metro expands its “TAP-to-exit” program to Santa Monica, Samo elects new Student Board Representative, and College Fair lets students explore schools

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What’s going on around Samo?
NEWS Arata Sakamoto, Staff Writer NEWS Arata Sakamoto, Staff Writer

What’s going on around Samo?

Santa Monica Fire Department welcomes new chief, 2024 Club Row introduces new clubs to Samo, Samo brothers make scientific strides, PBL holds their student government elections, and Waymo: Is the future in safer "hands?"

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Samo teachers begin to crack down on phones
NEWS Koi Lerner, Staff Writer NEWS Koi Lerner, Staff Writer

Samo teachers begin to crack down on phones

Students may have noticed that more of their Samo teachers have implemented cell phone pockets in their classrooms this school year. This practice is one way that teachers can uphold the Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District’s (SMMUSD) electronics policy that students may only use their devices for academic purposes during class. 

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Smmusd and Malibu finalize school separation agreement
NEWS Koi Lerner, Staff Writer NEWS Koi Lerner, Staff Writer

Smmusd and Malibu finalize school separation agreement

On Sept. 12, Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District (SMMUSD) and the City of Malibu announced they would finally separate, allowing Malibu to become an independent district. The current separation package is ready for public review.

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