OpenAI Makes the Switch to a for Profit Corporation
NEWS Alisa Ignatenko, Staff Writer NEWS Alisa Ignatenko, Staff Writer

OpenAI Makes the Switch to a for Profit Corporation

OpenAI, the company behind ChatGPT, announced its change in designation to a for-profit company on Dec. 24, 2024. The company was founded to use artificial intelligence for humanity’s benefit. The switch has prompted the California Department of Justice to start an investigation into the company. Discussions about the operations of OpenAI have always been rampant, and this recent decision has become a prominent talking point in the tech world. OpenAI has stated its plan to restructure as a public benefit corporation, or P.B.C., which is a for-profit corporation designed to create public and social good.

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Assessing the environmental toll on LA
NEWS Koi Lerner, Staff Writer NEWS Koi Lerner, Staff Writer

Assessing the environmental toll on LA

As of Feb. 3, the Palisades and Eaton fire have been 100 percent contained. With the fires finished, many in the Los Angeles County Community are now faced with challenging environmental changes that have followed as a result.

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SM and the new immigration policy
NEWS Laurel Cohn, Staff Writer NEWS Laurel Cohn, Staff Writer

SM and the new immigration policy

President Donald J. Trump began his second term on Jan. 20th and subsequently has major plans to revamp the current federal immigration policy. Many of these changes will directly impact citizens nationwide and even Samo students, as immigrants make up 23.2 percent of the population in Santa Monica.

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Professional athletes share perspective through podcasts
SPORTS Kamerin Shakir, Staff Writer SPORTS Kamerin Shakir, Staff Writer

Professional athletes share perspective through podcasts

Recently, professional athletes have increasingly turned to podcasting as a platform to share their perspectives, insights and opinions. With the rise of digital media, these podcasts have become a significant trend within the sports industry. But why are athletes starting these podcasts, what social impact do they have, and how do they affect their teams and leagues?

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Here’s what you need to know about the la wildfires
NEWS Addy Fiore, Staff Writer NEWS Addy Fiore, Staff Writer

Here’s what you need to know about the la wildfires

On Tuesday, Jan. 7, the Greater Los Angeles area was set ablaze in a series of the most destructive wildfires in LA history, destroying thousands of structures and taking many lives. These are the costliest wildfires in California history, with over $200 billion worth of destruction. 

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Steep prices and steep slopes in the us vs europe
SPORTS Olivia Stephansen, Social Media Editor SPORTS Olivia Stephansen, Social Media Editor

Steep prices and steep slopes in the us vs europe

Skiing has grown enormously in popularity throughout the years, but so have its expenses. As skiing is one of the biggest winter sports, only a small group of individuals can call it a common hobby as the price of a single ski trip can cost thousands of dollars. As so many travel around the world to experience the thrill of winter sports, the US and Europe remain the two biggest hot spots; but the question comes down to which trip is worth your money.

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An athletes struggle in staying fit over break
SPORTS Laurel Cohn, Staff Writer SPORTS Laurel Cohn, Staff Writer

An athletes struggle in staying fit over break

Winter athletes face so many hardships from weather to air quality, however winter break may be the worst one of all. For most winter sports, winter break falls right in the middle of their season. When athletes get back, some of their most important (league and CIF) games commence. However they cannot let winter break stop them.

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Is artistic expression fueled or stifled by TikTok?
A&E Emma Godfrey, Staff Writer A&E Emma Godfrey, Staff Writer

Is artistic expression fueled or stifled by TikTok?

TikTok has given many a place where their artistic self-expression can thrive, while for others, it has become an excuse to hit pause; whether or not the platform is creatively stimulating or artistically suffocating is almost as controversial as the ban itself.

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A BOOST for health students at LACCD
NEWS Arata Sakamoto, Staff Writer NEWS Arata Sakamoto, Staff Writer

A BOOST for health students at LACCD

The Los Angeles Community College District (LACCD) is in the process of implementing a new program called Building Outstanding Opportunities for Students to Thrive or otherwise known as BOOST. BOOST selects 250 students pursuing health careers to receive a thousand dollars each month for one year to help students who face financial challenges and might otherwise struggle to continue their education. 

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STUDENT LIFE Arata Sakamoto, Staff Writer STUDENT LIFE Arata Sakamoto, Staff Writer

Memorable moments that defined the trends of 2024

2024 was a year filled with constant change, from fashion embracing maximalism with bold oversized styles and food trends focused on experimenting with unexpected flavors, to the election, where candidates spoke on climate change and women’s reproductive rights.

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