Homecoming: to go or not to go?

YesUnless you believe in reincarnation, you really only get to experience high school once. Now, while the odds that the homecoming dance will be the best night of your life may be pretty low, the opportunity to make Homecoming a night to remember is in your hands.Homecoming is simply meant to be a fun dance so that students can engage with one another in an environment where schoolwork does not have to be the main conversation. It is not created to be a torture chamber for students, and it should not be thought of that way. If it was, schools all over the country would not be carrying on the tradition.If you are someone who says only losers go to Homecoming, and then proceed to sit on your couch on a Saturday night, you probably should do some reevaluation. Taking part in school activities can create a better connection to other students, and a greater sense of belonging in your community.Before jumping to conclusions, realize that judging something before having even tried it is not going to take you far in life. Now, obviously if you have been to a homecoming dance before and found it a waste of good time and money, it is understandable why you may not choose to go again. Nonetheless, it is a different dance every year. One bad experience should not fix your mindset forever.For students who want to conserve their money, it is wise to buy a ticket sooner than later, as prices do go up. The Samo Homecoming tickets start out at $25. That is the equivalent price of about five Starbucks venti mocha frappuccinos. So if you skipped your sugary drink just once a week for a little over a month, you would have yourself a Homecoming ticket. And is giving up your Starbucks drink worth one night’s dance? Of course! Wouldn’t you rather be out living life and making memories rather than staying home with all of your Starbucks drinks?Dressing up is yet another aspect of the dance that makes Homecoming enjoyable. There are not many opportunities at schools where you get to see girls tripping over their feet in heels and boys in suits that are two sizes too big. It is definitely not the everyday jeans, t-shirt, and a backpack look.Overall, Homecoming is a night to have fun with friends and enjoy good music. And later in life, you can look back fondly to all of your old memories, and the Homecoming dances will be part of your collection.


Homecoming: to go or not to go?


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