Band's Fall Concert

On Tuesday night, the Samo band program hosted their annual fall concert at Barnum Hall from 7 to 9pm.Terry Sakow, one of the band teachers, conducted a variety of pieces for three bands: Concert Band, Symphonic Band, and Symphonic Winds. The range of pieces covered cultures like Korean folksongs to Amazing Grace to British marches.The director of the band program, Kevin McKeown, conducted the two highest bands, Wind Symphony and Wind Ensemble. The two bands played pieces of Yiddish, British, Mexican, and American background.Two of the pieces, played by Symphonic Winds and Wind Symphony, were dedicated to the Samo family members whose lives were lost recently. Symphonic Winds dedicated Amazing Grace to custodian Jorge Bracamonte, and Wind Symphony dedicated An American Eulogy to tenth grader Vanai Jelks. All the players in the program wore green ribbons to pay tribute to the lost lives.“It was an emotional night of music, shared by our students in honor of some special people who left us too soon” McKeown said about the concert.


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