Samo Orchestra presents 12th annual Spaghetti and Strings

Samo’s orchestra program hosted its 12th annual Spaghetti and Strings fundraiser on Saturday, Jan. 12.While all orchestra concerts earn money by selling tickets, Spaghetti and Strings includes a variety of other events and fundraising opportunities.The event includes dinner from Il Forno and live music performed by Samo’s Symphony and Philharmonic orchestras. Additionally, each student is required to donate items to a silent auction, which all concert goers are welcomed to partake. Often, students bring art pieces, gift cards and other miscellaneous items – and all funds from sold items go directly towards a range of orchestra programs. This year, a majority of $6,000 raised will fund the Philharmonic Orchestra’s trip to San Francisco in the spring, according to Orchestra Co-Director Jason Aiello.The students are also required to sell raffle tickets and work a number of shifts – including helping in the kitchen and serving food – in order to help the event run smoothly. According to Samo Orchestra Director Joni Swenson, the students’ uniform participation is integral to the program.
“As always, this event takes a village to produce,” Swenson said. “Lucky for us, we have a fantastic ‘village’ to employ.”All things considered, Spaghetti and Strings has become the program’s most successful fundraiser. Daniella Janfaza (’17), a cellist in the Symphony Orchestra, said that the event helps build community.
“What I see the orchestra gaining by fundraising is a sense of community to bring everyone together,” Janfaza said.

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