Girls basketball drops home opener to Price

Girls basketball is off to a good start compared to last year after losing their first home game against Price by only 3 points, with a final score of 49-52. The team has been training hard and was ahead of Price for almost half the game. But in the last quarter, Samo ran out of steam and gave up the winning baskets two minutes before the final buzzer."We let this one get away from us," shooting guard Tiffany Minney (’17) said. "But we played well and gave it a try. We're definitely starting to come together as a group"After a rocky first two quarters, in which Samo remained roughly 10 points behind Price, Samo had a burst of momentum in the third and pulled into the lead. Halfway into the fourth quarter, a Samo victory seemed probable if not definite, and then the team began to make careless mistakes."We started [to be] complacent after such a solid third quarter," point guard Corrie Kim (’16) said. "We are a better team than Price and we kind of beat ourselves today".In the last five minutes alone, Samo turned the ball over nine times and gave up eight points. While this can be interpreted as a setback for the team, it also means that Samo was doing extremely well for the first 90% of the game."We're missing that extra 10 to 15 points that we need to really push ourselves over the edge,"  head coach Marisa Silvestri said. “I think we showed a lot of growth and a lot of places where we need to improve, individually and as a team.”


Holiday Starting Five


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