Girls lacrosse squares up

After months of preparation, Samo’s girls lacrosse team opened their season against Marlborough High School. The team began training for the season over the summer, and kept conditioning up until the beginning of season, when the wake calls for practice were at 6 a.m. With a relatively new team it was also important to create drills to familiarize the newcomers with the sport of lacrosse and forge a strong team bond.Our team prepared for the upcoming season by creating a bunch of drills for the new players and working toward strengthening team connections. We also have trained our freshman goalie who is playing this position for the first time,” Captain Deniz Uzun (’19) said.Coach Brian Patenaude listed out their goals as improving skills every day, supporting each other on and off the field, giving maximum effort during practice and games and demonstrating good sportsmanship. The team is as well focused on working as a cohesive unit to win as many games as possible.“I think this season the team wants to improve in working together to win more games,” Julia Sarcia (’19) said.So far, the team has lost their league games against Culver City and El Segundo. Their next home game will be Friday, March 23, against Downey at 5 p.m.


Boys lacrosse enters the box


Softball on deck for upcoming season