Hoco Queen and King making it "reign"

Brooklyn Alexander

Brooklyn Alexander (’23) was very surprised to learn that she had been nominated for Homecoming Court. She was so honored that her peers had nominated her for Homecoming Court and was even more excited to learn that she was voted Homecoming Queen. Alexander explains how she felt when she learned she won Homecoming Queen. 

“Once it all settled in I was extremely excited to share that moment with my peers and show other kids of color that they can be royalty too,” Alexander said.  

Alexander is known as a friendly face around school and this win truly enforces that idea. Outside of campaigning for Homecoming Queen, Alexander loves to sing and write her own songs and poetry. Alexander has recorded over ten original songs and dreams of releasing them for the world to hear. Alexander has also been part of leadership for Black Student Union as she was the president last year and is now the Senior Representative for the organization. Being a leader of Black Student Union has given Alexander the opportunity to voice her beliefs. Alexander uses her position to enforce self advocacy. 

“I want the underclassmen and anyone else to know that self advocacy is important and you can have anything you want in life if you work hard for it,” Alexander said.   

Josh Hecht

From shooting hoops on the Varsity basketball team to escorting Brooklyn Alexander ('23) to Homecoming royalty, Josh Hecht ('23) certainly knows how to rule the court. Hecht explains his excitement when learning he was nominated.

“I didn’t know that it was something I could be nominated for, so I was shocked when my friends told me that I was,” Hecht said.  

Apart from playing basketball and winning Homecoming King, Josh has also been an active member of multiple clubs including the Middle Eastern Virtual Clinic Club, Leveling the Court, and Future CEO Club. Middle Eastern Virtual Clinic Club works to provide healthcare to underprivileged and orphaned children in Egypt. Hecht is passionate about this club because he enjoys helping others and feels this club does just that. Being a part of these clubs and representing his school in basketball has made Hecht’s time in high school all worthwhile. Hecht explains that winning Homecoming King was the cherry on top to a great high school experience. 


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