Girls lacrosse opens season with win over Culver

On Thursday, Mar. 17, Samo's girls lacrosse team played against Culver City High School and won in a relatively close game 9-7. "We got tired but we kept [our energy] up pretty well," midfielder Mia Scalise ('18) said. “We did well being aggressive and hustling the ball but I think that we could do better in maintaining possession.”In the first half, Samo played with intensity and did not allow Culver City to score much. The defense was playing a strong game by closing in on the opponents and then expanding out when the ball was with their attack. "They did a really good job,” Co-coach Sam Slama said. “Our defense did a really good job defending in the first half. They did a good of recovering ground balls and winning the draws in the first half.”But later, according to Slama, the team stopped listening and weren't settling on the attacks which did not allow the midfielders to recover from running back and forth. “They got tired and lazy. There were checks [defending of the ball] that they shouldn't have been doing." The Vikings won by only two goals because in last two minutes because Samo started to lose their energy and allowed Culver City to score three goals. "Halfway through [the game], our defense was not coming back to collapse for the ball, our midfielders were getting tired and our attackers weren't slowing down the ball to waste time," center midfielder Shelby Wolf said. Though there is much to be improved on this early in the season, the girls came away with a solid win to start off the Ocean League season.


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