Boys tennis a match away from CIFs

On Tuesday, Apr. 24, in their second to last home game of the season, boys varsity tennis lost an extremely close match against Beverly Hills High School. On the brink of victory, a loss in the last game led to an ultimate defeat for the Samo boys, ending the match with a final score of 9-9. “We tied them on our first time playing them, but yesterday we fell short on our close matches and let a few games slip away from us,” head coach Wilston Poon said. According to team captain, Kirun Cheung (’18), the team started out really strong, but lost momentum later on in the match and gave the other team opportunities to come back. “Some of our strengths are that we are a very determined group with a lot of talent, but sometimes we can get ahead of ourselves when we get a lead,” player Evan Makhani (’18) said. According to Poon, the team needs to win their last game against El Segundo in order to have a chance to advance into CIF. “We hope to make a nice little run like the girls did in their season… the girls lost in the semi-finals and my boys have the potential to do just as well if not better,” Poon said. Although they are disappointed at their loss, their focus now is to prepare as best as possible for their next match against El Segundo and the CIF.


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